Who Would the World Elect Blog
How the ron paul campaign took over WhoWouldTheWorldElect.com
As of today ron paul is clearly the winner here at the WhoWouldTheWorldElect.com poll with more than double the votes of even the second place winner (Barack Obama)
Some will of course ask if it’s faked…
If I actually am part of the ron paul campaign, or even if the very resourceful ron paul’ers out there have figured out how to rig the system.
Well let me tell you.
All people involved in this are pretty left wing and we have always voted democratic and would not have a chance to vote for ron paul (we can’t vote in the republican primary and voting for a republican over a democrat for presidency would make our left leaning parents pretty sad)
Also the designers of this site work for a couple of forbes 500 company out there so you can bet your dog fluffy that no one has been able to vote twice.
All data is true and provable (we are democrats here… We don’t want to win by ridging the votes)
We wanted the biggest example of people from all over the world, and we seemed to have found it.
Our maketing campaign did center on the marketing means we knew about, which were North American weighted, but one of the people involved in this site actually is a marketing manager that is sent throughout the world by his company to work with different international customers and so makes sure to find out all the places throughout the world where people go to find new sites.
So to conclude, the fact that ron paul is coming in the top 5 surprised no one, but we’ve been VERY surprised that with the helps of all the great ron paul bloggers, and volunteers, that ron paul has completely won this vote.
This vote isn’t over and we’ll see if the other candidate’s campain wake up to this fancy new thing called the “internets” and if they do we’ll see if the massive ron paul following can keep up their landslide.
Por favor pedimos a los paises hispano parlantes que voten segun su conciencia pero el UNICO canidato que quiere acabar con la guerra de Iraq INMEDIATAMENTE es el Doctor Ron Paul. www.latinoronpaul.com
viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007
domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2007
LATINO RON PAUL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LATINO RON PAUL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please feel free to update in Wikipedia 24/7/365.
Please feel free to update in Wikipedia 24/7/365.
viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2007
Welcome to the Action For Justice (AFJ) Network!
Welcome to the Action For Justice (AFJ) Network!
Una carta para el Pueblo Americano
En 1776 nuestros Padres Fundadores de la Patria arriesgaron sus “vidas, fortunas, y sagrado honor” para fundar esta libre y prospera nación. Nos advirtieron de que era nuestra responsabilidad manterla así, pero no escuchamos su advertencia.
Nosotros los fundadores…
…les advertimos de los peligros de excesivos impuestos. Actualmente tienen que trabajar seis meses al año para pagar sus impuestos a todos los niveles viendo como sufre nuestra economía bajo esta pesada carga.
…les advertimos de los peligros de envolverse en asuntos exteriores. Ahora miles de sus hombres y mujeres sufren y mueren protegiéndoles y construyen naciones extranjeras mientras que su gobierno planifica enviar a nuestros hijos por la fuerza a la Guerra.
…les advertimos de los peligros de los gastos del gobierno. Ahora la creciente Deuda Nacional se encuentra en nueve trillones de dólares y sus hijos son esclavos de esta deuda desde el momento que nacen.
…les advertimos de los peligros de tener una Banca Central (Reserva Federal) y basada en la deuda y un sistema monetario que fía. Ahora su gobierno puede prestar y gastar sin freno mientras que destruyen el valor de nuestro dinero.
…les advertimos que debían obedecer la Constitución porque el poder corrompe. Ahora un gobierno secreto te puede espiar y detenerte sin motivo con el pretexto de ser por la “Seguridad Nacional”.
…les advertimos sobre los peligros de los partidos políticos. Ahora tenemos dos poderosos partidos políticos que conspiran contra el Pueblo, despilfarrando mientras que aparentan oponerse.
…les advertimos que debían mantener la nación soberana e independiente. Ahora estamos sujetos a la autoridad de la ONU y NAFTA, al igual que esta abierta deliberadamente la frontera para inmigración ilegal sin fin.
…les advertimos de la importancia de una prensa honesta, independiente y sin perjuicios. Ahora los “Medios Centralizados” están llenos de propaganda, distorsiones, y omisiones.
…les advertimos que el precio de la libertad es la vigilancia eternal. Mientras que Vd. estaba distraído el gobierno se robo su libertad y llevo la nación a la bancarrota.
…les advertimos que un gobierno lo suficientemente fuerte para darle todo lo que quiera los es para quitarle todo lo que tiene. Ahora eres esclavo de un gobierno que ha canjeado nuestra auto-suficiencia y libertad individual, por programas de supuesta s “ayudas” y ayudas “gratis”, que en realidad han robado nuestros sueldos.
Le aconsejamos que apoye a Ron Paul para Presidente con su tiempo, fortuna, y honor sagrado.
Una carta para el Pueblo Americano
En 1776 nuestros Padres Fundadores de la Patria arriesgaron sus “vidas, fortunas, y sagrado honor” para fundar esta libre y prospera nación. Nos advirtieron de que era nuestra responsabilidad manterla así, pero no escuchamos su advertencia.
Nosotros los fundadores…
…les advertimos de los peligros de excesivos impuestos. Actualmente tienen que trabajar seis meses al año para pagar sus impuestos a todos los niveles viendo como sufre nuestra economía bajo esta pesada carga.
…les advertimos de los peligros de envolverse en asuntos exteriores. Ahora miles de sus hombres y mujeres sufren y mueren protegiéndoles y construyen naciones extranjeras mientras que su gobierno planifica enviar a nuestros hijos por la fuerza a la Guerra.
…les advertimos de los peligros de los gastos del gobierno. Ahora la creciente Deuda Nacional se encuentra en nueve trillones de dólares y sus hijos son esclavos de esta deuda desde el momento que nacen.
…les advertimos de los peligros de tener una Banca Central (Reserva Federal) y basada en la deuda y un sistema monetario que fía. Ahora su gobierno puede prestar y gastar sin freno mientras que destruyen el valor de nuestro dinero.
…les advertimos que debían obedecer la Constitución porque el poder corrompe. Ahora un gobierno secreto te puede espiar y detenerte sin motivo con el pretexto de ser por la “Seguridad Nacional”.
…les advertimos sobre los peligros de los partidos políticos. Ahora tenemos dos poderosos partidos políticos que conspiran contra el Pueblo, despilfarrando mientras que aparentan oponerse.
…les advertimos que debían mantener la nación soberana e independiente. Ahora estamos sujetos a la autoridad de la ONU y NAFTA, al igual que esta abierta deliberadamente la frontera para inmigración ilegal sin fin.
…les advertimos de la importancia de una prensa honesta, independiente y sin perjuicios. Ahora los “Medios Centralizados” están llenos de propaganda, distorsiones, y omisiones.
…les advertimos que el precio de la libertad es la vigilancia eternal. Mientras que Vd. estaba distraído el gobierno se robo su libertad y llevo la nación a la bancarrota.
…les advertimos que un gobierno lo suficientemente fuerte para darle todo lo que quiera los es para quitarle todo lo que tiene. Ahora eres esclavo de un gobierno que ha canjeado nuestra auto-suficiencia y libertad individual, por programas de supuesta s “ayudas” y ayudas “gratis”, que en realidad han robado nuestros sueldos.
Le aconsejamos que apoye a Ron Paul para Presidente con su tiempo, fortuna, y honor sagrado.
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007
AXJ - Latinos for Dr. Ron Paul for President in 2008! | Ron Paul 2008 Revolution - Ron Paul for President - Daily Paul
AXJ - Latinos for Dr. Ron Paul for President in 2008! Ron Paul 2008 Revolution - Ron Paul for President - Daily Paul
AXJ - Latinos for Dr. Ron Paul for President in 2008!
Posted November 17th, 2007 by RPsupporter
We at AXJ-Latinos for Ron Paul are doing our best to get the Ron Paul message out to the Latino communities in the US. We have websites in Spanish at: www.latinoronpaul.com and hope that all our Spanish speaking supporters pitch in. With this minority help we can really make a difference to get Dr. Ron Paul elected President of the United States of America (USA).
AXJ - Latinos for Dr. Ron Paul for President in 2008!
Posted November 17th, 2007 by RPsupporter
We at AXJ-Latinos for Ron Paul are doing our best to get the Ron Paul message out to the Latino communities in the US. We have websites in Spanish at: www.latinoronpaul.com and hope that all our Spanish speaking supporters pitch in. With this minority help we can really make a difference to get Dr. Ron Paul elected President of the United States of America (USA).
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007
NEWS YAHOO and AP Washington writers Nancy Benac and Trevot Tompson bent on leaving Dr. RON PAUL out of all news regarding the Presidential Election.
Perhaps WE THE PEOPLE and more than 100,000 supporters for Dr. Ron Paul should boicott their websites and pub;lications until they include Dr. Ron Paul in their articles?
AXJ - Latinos for Dr. Ron Paul around the world!
The most likable candidates? Obama and Giuliani are tops
By NANCY BENAC and TREVOR TOMPSON, Associated Press Writers
WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats and Republicans alike have strong opinions about who has the best chance of capturing the presidency in 2008—Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, that is—but that's not necessarily the candidate they'd rather go bowling with, take along on a family vacation or even vote for.
Which candidate is the most likable? On the Republican side, Giuliani gets the nod, both from GOP voters and among voters overall. None of the Democratic candidates has a clear advantage among Democratic voters, with Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards running about even. But in a sheer popularity contest, pitting the most likable Democrat vs. the best-liked Republican, it would be Obama over Giuliani, 54 percent to 46 percent.
Ask voters which qualities are most important, though, and they put likability well down the list. They attach far more importance to being honest, ethical, decisive and strong.
NOTE: Poll of 2,230 adults; 1,049 Democrats; 827 Republicans; taken Nov. 2-12, 2007; margin of error ± 2.1 percent for all adults; ± 3.0 percent for Democrats and ± 3.4 percent for Republicans.
An in-depth survey of more than 2,000 people offers a window into the thinking of Americans as they look far beyond electability in making their choices for president—grappling with matters of personality, policy and religion in sorting through the candidates.
The survey by The Associated Press and Yahoo! News is a departure from traditional polling in that it will track the opinions of the same people across the country as their beliefs develop and change through the campaign.
Overall, the poll finds, Democrats are weighing personal traits more heavily than policy positions this election season; Republicans are putting greater emphasis on policy.
The interplay of the personal and the political doesn't always make for neat and tidy decision-making.
Take self-described die-hard Republican Donald Stokes. The 48-year-old steelworker from Waterbury, Conn., would pick Edwards if he could take a candidate along on his family vacation. He likes Edwards' personality and his family values. But he supports Giuliani for president, largely because of the former New York mayor's leadership after the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001.
"I'd rather have a president that's going to get in somebody's face if he's got a problem with them or another country," says Stokes.
Charolette Thompson, a 48-year-old retired landscaper from Federal Way, Wash., is a Democrat backing Obama for president. But she would probably pick "the Mormon guy"—that would be Republican Mitt Romney—for a bowling partner.
Jasmine Zoschak, a 30-year-old physician's assistant from Milford, Pa., would love to see a woman in the White House—"just not the female that's running this year." She's backing Republican Mike Huckabee for president because of his positive outlook and opposition to abortion, but she'd rather invite Obama to dinner.
In this first gut-check of the polling series, the voters signaled there's still hope for candidates playing catch-up: Half of likely Democratic voters said they could change their minds about who should win their party's nomination, as did two-thirds of Republicans.
Ask Democrats to size up their party's candidates on personal qualities, and it's easy to see why Clinton is leading national polls of Democrats. She is the candidate most often seen as strong, experienced, decisive, compassionate. Looking for strength, for example, 78 percent of Democrats see the quality in Clinton, 61 percent find it in Obama, 56 percent in Edwards.
The picture is less clear-cut when it comes to ethics and honesty, where Clinton and Obama run about even.
It is a measure of how polarizing Clinton can be that she is the both the voters' favored bowling or vacation companion and the one most often ruled out.
Irene Soria, a 60-year-old Democrat from Tulare, Calif., says she's backing Clinton because "she knows how to play Washington. ... The other two, Edwards and Obama, seem kind of weak to me."
Likability, Soria says, is overrated. A lot of people thought they could have a beer with George W. Bush, she said, but "look at all the things he's done to the United States. He hasn't done much good."
When Republican voters size up the GOP candidates, Giuliani claims the advantage on a host of personal qualities. He is the GOP candidate most often seen as decisive, strong and compassionate. But, just as for Clinton, ethics and honesty are a potential soft spot. Some 59 percent of GOP voters see Sen. John McCain as ethical, compared with 54 percent for Giuliani, 45 percent for Fred Thompson and 42 percent for Romney. On honesty, McCain and Giuliani run about even.
The AP-Yahoo! News survey, conducted by Knowledge Networks, also asked voters to shine the spotlight in the other direction, to evaluate some of their own qualities.
It turns out that supporters of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are the most likely to be happy. Huckabee has a relatively high proportion of support among evangelicals, who tend to be happier than most people.
Among Democrats, supporters of Obama and Edwards are more likely to say they are very happy than are Clinton's backers. Her supporters include more lower-income and less-educated voters, who tend to be less happy.
The voters do own up to some reservations about the age, sex and religion of certain candidates, but some also manage to swallow their concerns. Nearly 60 percent of 71-year-old John McCain's supporters say they have at least some reservations about supporting a candidate who is over 70. About 30 percent of Romney's supporters have qualms about voting for a Mormon. Fifteen percent of those who support thrice-married Giuliani have reservations about someone who is divorced.
On the Democratic side, 7 percent of Clinton's supporters report some reservations about voting for a woman.
The numbers show a significant share of respondents resisting the pack mentality. Fully half of Obama's supporters and a third of Edwards' backers think Clinton is the Democrat with the best chance of winning next November. On the Republican side, a third or more of the voters supporting McCain, Thompson and Romney think Giuliani has a better chance of winning.
Who would win right now? When an unidentified Democratic nominee is pitted against an unidentified Republican, the Democrat gets 42 percent of voters, the Republican 27 percent and another 27 percent don't know who they'd vote for.
The survey of 2,230 adults was conducted Nov. 2-12 by Knowledge Networks and had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.1 percentage points. The survey included 1,049 Democrats, for whom the margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3 points, and 827 Republicans, for whom the margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3.4 points. Unlike most Internet polls, this one is nationally representative because people are first contacted using traditional telephone polling methods, and are then followed using online interviews. People selected for the study who do not already have Internet access are provided with Internet access for free.
—AP News survey specialist Dennis Junius and AP writer Christine Simmons contributed to this report.
Perhaps WE THE PEOPLE and more than 100,000 supporters for Dr. Ron Paul should boicott their websites and pub;lications until they include Dr. Ron Paul in their articles?
AXJ - Latinos for Dr. Ron Paul around the world!
The most likable candidates? Obama and Giuliani are tops
By NANCY BENAC and TREVOR TOMPSON, Associated Press Writers
WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats and Republicans alike have strong opinions about who has the best chance of capturing the presidency in 2008—Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, that is—but that's not necessarily the candidate they'd rather go bowling with, take along on a family vacation or even vote for.
Which candidate is the most likable? On the Republican side, Giuliani gets the nod, both from GOP voters and among voters overall. None of the Democratic candidates has a clear advantage among Democratic voters, with Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards running about even. But in a sheer popularity contest, pitting the most likable Democrat vs. the best-liked Republican, it would be Obama over Giuliani, 54 percent to 46 percent.
Ask voters which qualities are most important, though, and they put likability well down the list. They attach far more importance to being honest, ethical, decisive and strong.
NOTE: Poll of 2,230 adults; 1,049 Democrats; 827 Republicans; taken Nov. 2-12, 2007; margin of error ± 2.1 percent for all adults; ± 3.0 percent for Democrats and ± 3.4 percent for Republicans.
An in-depth survey of more than 2,000 people offers a window into the thinking of Americans as they look far beyond electability in making their choices for president—grappling with matters of personality, policy and religion in sorting through the candidates.
The survey by The Associated Press and Yahoo! News is a departure from traditional polling in that it will track the opinions of the same people across the country as their beliefs develop and change through the campaign.
Overall, the poll finds, Democrats are weighing personal traits more heavily than policy positions this election season; Republicans are putting greater emphasis on policy.
The interplay of the personal and the political doesn't always make for neat and tidy decision-making.
Take self-described die-hard Republican Donald Stokes. The 48-year-old steelworker from Waterbury, Conn., would pick Edwards if he could take a candidate along on his family vacation. He likes Edwards' personality and his family values. But he supports Giuliani for president, largely because of the former New York mayor's leadership after the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001.
"I'd rather have a president that's going to get in somebody's face if he's got a problem with them or another country," says Stokes.
Charolette Thompson, a 48-year-old retired landscaper from Federal Way, Wash., is a Democrat backing Obama for president. But she would probably pick "the Mormon guy"—that would be Republican Mitt Romney—for a bowling partner.
Jasmine Zoschak, a 30-year-old physician's assistant from Milford, Pa., would love to see a woman in the White House—"just not the female that's running this year." She's backing Republican Mike Huckabee for president because of his positive outlook and opposition to abortion, but she'd rather invite Obama to dinner.
In this first gut-check of the polling series, the voters signaled there's still hope for candidates playing catch-up: Half of likely Democratic voters said they could change their minds about who should win their party's nomination, as did two-thirds of Republicans.
Ask Democrats to size up their party's candidates on personal qualities, and it's easy to see why Clinton is leading national polls of Democrats. She is the candidate most often seen as strong, experienced, decisive, compassionate. Looking for strength, for example, 78 percent of Democrats see the quality in Clinton, 61 percent find it in Obama, 56 percent in Edwards.
The picture is less clear-cut when it comes to ethics and honesty, where Clinton and Obama run about even.
It is a measure of how polarizing Clinton can be that she is the both the voters' favored bowling or vacation companion and the one most often ruled out.
Irene Soria, a 60-year-old Democrat from Tulare, Calif., says she's backing Clinton because "she knows how to play Washington. ... The other two, Edwards and Obama, seem kind of weak to me."
Likability, Soria says, is overrated. A lot of people thought they could have a beer with George W. Bush, she said, but "look at all the things he's done to the United States. He hasn't done much good."
When Republican voters size up the GOP candidates, Giuliani claims the advantage on a host of personal qualities. He is the GOP candidate most often seen as decisive, strong and compassionate. But, just as for Clinton, ethics and honesty are a potential soft spot. Some 59 percent of GOP voters see Sen. John McCain as ethical, compared with 54 percent for Giuliani, 45 percent for Fred Thompson and 42 percent for Romney. On honesty, McCain and Giuliani run about even.
The AP-Yahoo! News survey, conducted by Knowledge Networks, also asked voters to shine the spotlight in the other direction, to evaluate some of their own qualities.
It turns out that supporters of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are the most likely to be happy. Huckabee has a relatively high proportion of support among evangelicals, who tend to be happier than most people.
Among Democrats, supporters of Obama and Edwards are more likely to say they are very happy than are Clinton's backers. Her supporters include more lower-income and less-educated voters, who tend to be less happy.
The voters do own up to some reservations about the age, sex and religion of certain candidates, but some also manage to swallow their concerns. Nearly 60 percent of 71-year-old John McCain's supporters say they have at least some reservations about supporting a candidate who is over 70. About 30 percent of Romney's supporters have qualms about voting for a Mormon. Fifteen percent of those who support thrice-married Giuliani have reservations about someone who is divorced.
On the Democratic side, 7 percent of Clinton's supporters report some reservations about voting for a woman.
The numbers show a significant share of respondents resisting the pack mentality. Fully half of Obama's supporters and a third of Edwards' backers think Clinton is the Democrat with the best chance of winning next November. On the Republican side, a third or more of the voters supporting McCain, Thompson and Romney think Giuliani has a better chance of winning.
Who would win right now? When an unidentified Democratic nominee is pitted against an unidentified Republican, the Democrat gets 42 percent of voters, the Republican 27 percent and another 27 percent don't know who they'd vote for.
The survey of 2,230 adults was conducted Nov. 2-12 by Knowledge Networks and had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.1 percentage points. The survey included 1,049 Democrats, for whom the margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3 points, and 827 Republicans, for whom the margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3.4 points. Unlike most Internet polls, this one is nationally representative because people are first contacted using traditional telephone polling methods, and are then followed using online interviews. People selected for the study who do not already have Internet access are provided with Internet access for free.
—AP News survey specialist Dennis Junius and AP writer Christine Simmons contributed to this report.
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2007
Letter to the Troops
Letter to the Troops
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Letter to the Troops - Ron Paul Supporters Support the Troops
US Marine Colonel Simcock, the commander of USMC Regimental Combat Team (RCT) 6 in Iraq, is asking for 6,000 positive emails to his Marines.
That's one email for each Marine in his RCT command. COL Simcock is concerned about the effect of the negative barrage that those Marines are getting through the electronic media.
So far, they've only mustered 2,000 emails.
This is a legitimate request.
It's not one of the "little Johnny wants to break the world's record in Christmas cards" situations.
It takes only 30 seconds of your time.
Here's the email address:RCT-6lettersfromh@gcemnf-wiraq.usmc.mil
If you're reading this, then you can probably click on the address, type a few words, and then hit "send" to be all done.
It doesn't have to be the Gettysburg Address.
Something as simple as "Hello, Marine.
We thank you for your commitment to our country and to your oath to defend the Constitution.
We are here at home fighting everyday to get you home to your families.
You all defeated Saddam.
You have victory with honor.
We wish you Godspeed on your return.
Ron Paul supports the troops and we thank you and all of the other military personnel for giving to Ron Paul and the Ron Paul 2008 campaign.
www.ronpaul2008.comVideo loved by US MarinesDon't Tread on Mehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG_HuFtP8w8
Thank You Marine, For risking life and limb for our freedoms and liberty.
For selflessly defending our constitution in the heat of battle.
For the strength to leave your life at home to go into foreign lands.
For giving us hope that there are real patriots in this world today.
Thank you Marine,You are My Hero.
I only wish when my hero finally comes home, our government treats you with the proper respect and support you deserve.
There is no stronger ally to the military than Presidential Candidate Ron Paul has fought for benefits for our Veterans for the last 30 years.
If Ron Paul fights to protect my heroes, and make sure that they are taken care of for their heroism, then he's alright in my book.Congressman Ron Paul has helped hundreds of our veteranshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mICt_BVLPX0
Posted by soulmantim at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Letter to the Troops - Ron Paul Supporters Support the Troops
US Marine Colonel Simcock, the commander of USMC Regimental Combat Team (RCT) 6 in Iraq, is asking for 6,000 positive emails to his Marines.
That's one email for each Marine in his RCT command. COL Simcock is concerned about the effect of the negative barrage that those Marines are getting through the electronic media.
So far, they've only mustered 2,000 emails.
This is a legitimate request.
It's not one of the "little Johnny wants to break the world's record in Christmas cards" situations.
It takes only 30 seconds of your time.
Here's the email address:RCT-6lettersfromh@gcemnf-wiraq.usmc.mil
If you're reading this, then you can probably click on the address, type a few words, and then hit "send" to be all done.
It doesn't have to be the Gettysburg Address.
Something as simple as "Hello, Marine.
We thank you for your commitment to our country and to your oath to defend the Constitution.
We are here at home fighting everyday to get you home to your families.
You all defeated Saddam.
You have victory with honor.
We wish you Godspeed on your return.
Ron Paul supports the troops and we thank you and all of the other military personnel for giving to Ron Paul and the Ron Paul 2008 campaign.
www.ronpaul2008.comVideo loved by US MarinesDon't Tread on Mehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG_HuFtP8w8
Thank You Marine, For risking life and limb for our freedoms and liberty.
For selflessly defending our constitution in the heat of battle.
For the strength to leave your life at home to go into foreign lands.
For giving us hope that there are real patriots in this world today.
Thank you Marine,You are My Hero.
I only wish when my hero finally comes home, our government treats you with the proper respect and support you deserve.
There is no stronger ally to the military than Presidential Candidate Ron Paul has fought for benefits for our Veterans for the last 30 years.
If Ron Paul fights to protect my heroes, and make sure that they are taken care of for their heroism, then he's alright in my book.Congressman Ron Paul has helped hundreds of our veteranshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mICt_BVLPX0
Posted by soulmantim at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Custodia Compartida YA!!: Tu.tv - Videos - Custodia compartida
Custodia Compartida YA!!: Tu.tv - Videos - Custodia compartida
Enrique Jose Martínez Giner
Estimado D. Enrique,
Nuestro Partido esta creciendo y necesitamos afiliados, militantes, webmasters,
Pueden ayudarnos a destapar y limpiar la corrupcion existente?
Ya esta publicado en www.accionporlajusticia.com (AXJ)
Pasalo a todos.
AXJ esta fuera del circulo mediatico controlado por Zapatero y las Feminazis.
Los niños... con mamá y papá
Enrique Jose Martínez Giner
Estimado D. Enrique,
Nuestro Partido esta creciendo y necesitamos afiliados, militantes, webmasters,
Pueden ayudarnos a destapar y limpiar la corrupcion existente?
Ya esta publicado en www.accionporlajusticia.com (AXJ)
Pasalo a todos.
AXJ esta fuera del circulo mediatico controlado por Zapatero y las Feminazis.
Los niños... con mamá y papá
sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2007
Welcome to the Action For Justice (AFJ) Network!
Welcome to the Action For Justice (AFJ) Network!
Our sincere thanks go to Marc Lucas for his dedicated effort to produce this wonderful documentary! It was an incredible sacrifice for him to do this and we hope you will all thank him for his diligent and brilliant efforts.
People have asked us whether the tape version of the video you can order is any different or contains more information than what is in the online version. The answer is no. Parties who appeared in the documentary include (in the order they appeared):
Marc Lucas; marc@marclucas.com
Dave Bosset, daveb@bosset.com, 352-683-2874
Dick Simkanin.
Bob Shulz, http://www.givemeliberty.org
Joe Goodwin, Attorney at Law (nice job!)
Lynne Meredith
John Turner, Former IRS Agent; P.O. Box 612;Paradise, CA 95967; time4jt@worldnet.att.net;530-872-8068
Ed Rivera, Attorney at Law, edrivera@edrivera.com, 310-370-3361.
Marcia Brooks, juror who acquitted Lloyd Long of Willful Failure to File charges
C. Hansen.
Dial-up lines: 56Kbit/sec
Cable Modem/DSL: 230Kbit/sec
(requires Microsoft Media Player)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
(requires RealNetworks RealPlayer)
If you liked our movie, many more similar free online movies are available at the link below that you may also wish to view:
Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM): Liberty University
To obtain a high-quality DVD version of the above movie entitled "How to Keep 100% of Your Earnings" with your donation, click on the link below:
SEDM Website
GetHow to Keep 100% of Your Earnings Movie(last updated 30DEC03)
NOTE: Available from the separate, non-profit religious ministry SEDM.
Our sincere thanks go to Marc Lucas for his dedicated effort to produce this wonderful documentary! It was an incredible sacrifice for him to do this and we hope you will all thank him for his diligent and brilliant efforts.
People have asked us whether the tape version of the video you can order is any different or contains more information than what is in the online version. The answer is no. Parties who appeared in the documentary include (in the order they appeared):
Marc Lucas; marc@marclucas.com
Dave Bosset, daveb@bosset.com, 352-683-2874
Dick Simkanin.
Bob Shulz, http://www.givemeliberty.org
Joe Goodwin, Attorney at Law (nice job!)
Lynne Meredith
John Turner, Former IRS Agent; P.O. Box 612;Paradise, CA 95967; time4jt@worldnet.att.net;530-872-8068
Ed Rivera, Attorney at Law, edrivera@edrivera.com, 310-370-3361.
Marcia Brooks, juror who acquitted Lloyd Long of Willful Failure to File charges
C. Hansen.
Dial-up lines: 56Kbit/sec
Cable Modem/DSL: 230Kbit/sec
(requires Microsoft Media Player)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Cuba's Castro Calls Spanish Prime Minister `Cowardly' (Update4)
By Matthew Walter
Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Cuba's President Fidel Castro described as ``cowardly'' remarks that Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero directed at Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during last week's Ibero-American summit in Chile.
Castro, 81, issued a statement today to side with Chavez, his closest ally, who was told to ``shut up'' at the summit by Spanish King Juan Carlos I after the Venezuelan leader called Spain's former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar Lopez a fascist. Zapatero also defended Aznar from Chavez's attack, telling him that his predecessor was elected democratically.
The exchange was ``an unambiguous display of the genocidal ways and methods of the empire, its accomplices and the anesthetized victims of the Third World,'' Castro wrote in an e- mailed ``reflection,'' entitled ``The Ideological Waterloo.''
By taking up the spat, Castro underscored the tensions ignited this week between Zapatero and Latin American leaders allied with Chavez. The Venezuelan president, who says he views Castro as a father, said this week that his country doesn't need Spanish investment, and announced plans to ``deeply review'' economic, political and diplomatic relations with Spain.
A spokesperson for Zapatero declined to comment when contacted by Bloomberg.
The row is a diplomatic setback for the Spanish prime minister, a member of Spain's socialist party, who has said he wants strong relations with Cuba and Venezuela, said Daniel Erikson, a senior associate at the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington D.C.
``It's a pretty embarrassing scene when the king of Spain has to intervene to tell a president to shut up,'' Erikson said. ``It's a breakdown in diplomatic protocol.''
Chavez said today that the Spanish King owes him an apology, and questioned why Zapatero would side with Aznar, who Chavez says supported a coup aimed at unseating him in 2002.
``I didn't understand Zapatero's argument,'' Chavez said in an interview on Venezuelan state television. ``Aznar is a coup monger and a fascist, and I'll say it whenever I feel like it. Zapatero tried to defend privatizations and to defend neo- liberalism.''
While the Spanish government has downplayed the incident over the past week, it has been a top story in Latin American media, making its way into political debates and popular culture across the region.
`Shut Up'
YouTube.com has been flooded with rap and reggaeton versions of the exchange, showing King Juan Carlos pointing the finger at Chavez, and the king's words, ``Why don't you shut up,'' have become a popular ring-tone in Spain.
Colombian television channel Caracol broadcast the confrontation, set to music, on its morning show today, and the Buenos Aires daily Bae ran ``Latin America Won't Shut Up,'' as a headline in their international news section.
Castro, who hasn't been seen in public since undergoing gastrointestinal surgery in July 2006, communicates with the public now only through written essays and television broadcasts that are usually pre-taped.
On Oct. 14 he spoke live by phone for more than an hour with Chavez on the Venezuelan president's weekly television program.
Castro, who's ruled Cuba since 1959, handed temporary governing authority over to his brother last year because of his failing health.
To contact the reporter on this story: Matthew Walter in Caracas at mwalter4@bloomberg.net Last Updated: November 16, 2007 18:03 EST
Cuba's Castro Calls Spanish Prime Minister `Cowardly' (Update4)
By Matthew Walter
Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Cuba's President Fidel Castro described as ``cowardly'' remarks that Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero directed at Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during last week's Ibero-American summit in Chile.
Castro, 81, issued a statement today to side with Chavez, his closest ally, who was told to ``shut up'' at the summit by Spanish King Juan Carlos I after the Venezuelan leader called Spain's former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar Lopez a fascist. Zapatero also defended Aznar from Chavez's attack, telling him that his predecessor was elected democratically.
The exchange was ``an unambiguous display of the genocidal ways and methods of the empire, its accomplices and the anesthetized victims of the Third World,'' Castro wrote in an e- mailed ``reflection,'' entitled ``The Ideological Waterloo.''
By taking up the spat, Castro underscored the tensions ignited this week between Zapatero and Latin American leaders allied with Chavez. The Venezuelan president, who says he views Castro as a father, said this week that his country doesn't need Spanish investment, and announced plans to ``deeply review'' economic, political and diplomatic relations with Spain.
A spokesperson for Zapatero declined to comment when contacted by Bloomberg.
The row is a diplomatic setback for the Spanish prime minister, a member of Spain's socialist party, who has said he wants strong relations with Cuba and Venezuela, said Daniel Erikson, a senior associate at the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington D.C.
``It's a pretty embarrassing scene when the king of Spain has to intervene to tell a president to shut up,'' Erikson said. ``It's a breakdown in diplomatic protocol.''
Chavez said today that the Spanish King owes him an apology, and questioned why Zapatero would side with Aznar, who Chavez says supported a coup aimed at unseating him in 2002.
``I didn't understand Zapatero's argument,'' Chavez said in an interview on Venezuelan state television. ``Aznar is a coup monger and a fascist, and I'll say it whenever I feel like it. Zapatero tried to defend privatizations and to defend neo- liberalism.''
While the Spanish government has downplayed the incident over the past week, it has been a top story in Latin American media, making its way into political debates and popular culture across the region.
`Shut Up'
YouTube.com has been flooded with rap and reggaeton versions of the exchange, showing King Juan Carlos pointing the finger at Chavez, and the king's words, ``Why don't you shut up,'' have become a popular ring-tone in Spain.
Colombian television channel Caracol broadcast the confrontation, set to music, on its morning show today, and the Buenos Aires daily Bae ran ``Latin America Won't Shut Up,'' as a headline in their international news section.
Castro, who hasn't been seen in public since undergoing gastrointestinal surgery in July 2006, communicates with the public now only through written essays and television broadcasts that are usually pre-taped.
On Oct. 14 he spoke live by phone for more than an hour with Chavez on the Venezuelan president's weekly television program.
Castro, who's ruled Cuba since 1959, handed temporary governing authority over to his brother last year because of his failing health.
To contact the reporter on this story: Matthew Walter in Caracas at mwalter4@bloomberg.net Last Updated: November 16, 2007 18:03 EST
martes, 6 de noviembre de 2007
Just to add that Spain and Latinos helped the 13 colonies get their freedom and we have all ben here since 1492. Language is no barrier.
by Ron Paul, Dr. July 3, 2006
On the fourth day of July, in 1776, a small group of men, representing 13 colonies in the far-off Americas, boldly told the most powerful nation on earth that they were free.
They declared, in terms that still are radical today, that all men are created equal, and endowed with certain inalienable rights that government neither grants nor can take away.
In the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers sought to demonstrate to the world that they were rejecting a tyrannical king. They listed the “injuries and usurpations” that contain the philosophical basis for our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
One point of consternation to our founding fathers was that the king had been “imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.” But 230 years later, taxation with representation has not worked out much better.
Indeed, one has to wonder how Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin would react to the current state of affairs. After all, they were outraged by mere import tariffs of a few pennies on the dollar. Today, the average American pays roughly 50 percent of their income in direct and indirect taxes.
In fact, most Texans will not start working for themselves for another week. Texans, like most Americans, work from January until early July just to pay their federal income taxes, state and local taxes, and the enormous costs of regulation. Only about half the year is spent working to pay for food, clothing, shelter, or education.
It is easy to simply blame faceless bureaucrats and politicians for our current state of affairs, and they do bear much of the blame. But blame also rests with those who expect Washington DC to solve every problem under the sun. If the public demanded that Congress abide by the Constitution and pass only constitutional spending bills, politicians would have no choice but to respond.
Everybody seems to agree that government waste is rampant and spending should but cut—but not when it comes to their communities or pet projects. So members of Congress have every incentive to support spending bills and adopt a go-along, get-along attitude. This leads to the famous compromises, but the bill eventually comes due on April 15th.
Our basic problem is that we have lost sight of the simple premise that guided the actions of our founding fathers. That premise? The government that governs least is the government that governs best.
When we cut the size of government, our taxes will fall. When we reduce the power of the federal bureaucracy, the cost of government will plummet. And when we firmly fix our eyes, undistracted, on the principles of liberty, Americans truly will be free. That should be our new declaration.
by Ron Paul, Dr. July 3, 2006
On the fourth day of July, in 1776, a small group of men, representing 13 colonies in the far-off Americas, boldly told the most powerful nation on earth that they were free.
They declared, in terms that still are radical today, that all men are created equal, and endowed with certain inalienable rights that government neither grants nor can take away.
In the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers sought to demonstrate to the world that they were rejecting a tyrannical king. They listed the “injuries and usurpations” that contain the philosophical basis for our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
One point of consternation to our founding fathers was that the king had been “imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.” But 230 years later, taxation with representation has not worked out much better.
Indeed, one has to wonder how Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin would react to the current state of affairs. After all, they were outraged by mere import tariffs of a few pennies on the dollar. Today, the average American pays roughly 50 percent of their income in direct and indirect taxes.
In fact, most Texans will not start working for themselves for another week. Texans, like most Americans, work from January until early July just to pay their federal income taxes, state and local taxes, and the enormous costs of regulation. Only about half the year is spent working to pay for food, clothing, shelter, or education.
It is easy to simply blame faceless bureaucrats and politicians for our current state of affairs, and they do bear much of the blame. But blame also rests with those who expect Washington DC to solve every problem under the sun. If the public demanded that Congress abide by the Constitution and pass only constitutional spending bills, politicians would have no choice but to respond.
Everybody seems to agree that government waste is rampant and spending should but cut—but not when it comes to their communities or pet projects. So members of Congress have every incentive to support spending bills and adopt a go-along, get-along attitude. This leads to the famous compromises, but the bill eventually comes due on April 15th.
Our basic problem is that we have lost sight of the simple premise that guided the actions of our founding fathers. That premise? The government that governs least is the government that governs best.
When we cut the size of government, our taxes will fall. When we reduce the power of the federal bureaucracy, the cost of government will plummet. And when we firmly fix our eyes, undistracted, on the principles of liberty, Americans truly will be free. That should be our new declaration.
PADRES DIVORCIADOS: Fases del Proyecto de la Ley del Divorcio en España
PADRES DIVORCIADOS: Fases del Proyecto de la Ley del Divorcio en España
El Partido Politico Asociaciones y Acciones por la Justicia (AXJ) revocara esta Ley como Inconstitucional dado que discrimina por razon de sexo y es nula de pleno derecho.
El Partido Politico Asociaciones y Acciones por la Justicia (AXJ) revocara esta Ley como Inconstitucional dado que discrimina por razon de sexo y es nula de pleno derecho.
lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007
Welcome. Bienvenidos. Dr. Ron Paul supporters.
Hemos creado este blog para que todos los Latinos residentes en USA y asi mismo Americanos Latinos de nacimiento puedan opinar sobre la candidatura del Sr. Ron Paul a la Presidencia de los Estados Unidos de America (USA).
En principio utilizaremos el idioma Castellano (Español) dado que in ingles ya existen muchos blogs, sin embargo, en español muy pocos.
Pero al fondo de la cuestion, cual es el mesaje revolucionario del Sr. Ron Paul y en que nos beneficia a todos los Latinos?
Primero, para que los paises salgan adelante y sean respetados alrededor del mundo su sistema de Administracion de Justicia debe ser independiente y que ofrezca garantias reales de Justicia a sus ciudadanos o en caso contrario no sirve de nada.
Estados Unidos es el unico pais del mundo con garantias para asegurar que su Administracion de Justicia esta sujeta al imperio de la Ley y sus Jueces acatan la Ley o pueden ser denunciados y juzgados por el Pueblo soberano a traves de la Institucion del Jurado Popular. Es por tanto el unico pais del mundo donde sus ciudadanos participan activamente en la correcta Administracion de Justicia.
En cuanto al entorno Latino, ni Italia, ni Francia, ni España, ni ningun pais Latino Americano cuenta con estos sistemas de control y savaguardia de la Justicia.
La Justicia por tanto tiene que velar por que se cumplan la Leyes y todos los inmigrantes a USA tienen que estar legalmente documentados y cumplir las Leyes como cualquier otro ciudadano. En caso contrario existiria una discriminacion y esto seria no solo inconstitucional, sino Injusto.
El Dr. Ron Paul pide que en este Estado de Derecho se cumplan las Leyes y que sean agiles para documentar aquellas personas que no esten documentadas. Ese es el fondo de su mensaje en cuanto a los inmigrantes. Y eso precisamente nos conviene a todos.
Rogamos que a continuacion presenten sus opiniones y preguntas al respecto, que con mucho gusto los afilidaos a AXJ y Latinos que apoyan al Dr. Ron Paul les conestaran.
Bienvenidos al Blog de AXJ - Latinos que apoyan al Dr. Ron Paul para la Presidencia de USA.
En principio utilizaremos el idioma Castellano (Español) dado que in ingles ya existen muchos blogs, sin embargo, en español muy pocos.
Pero al fondo de la cuestion, cual es el mesaje revolucionario del Sr. Ron Paul y en que nos beneficia a todos los Latinos?
Primero, para que los paises salgan adelante y sean respetados alrededor del mundo su sistema de Administracion de Justicia debe ser independiente y que ofrezca garantias reales de Justicia a sus ciudadanos o en caso contrario no sirve de nada.
Estados Unidos es el unico pais del mundo con garantias para asegurar que su Administracion de Justicia esta sujeta al imperio de la Ley y sus Jueces acatan la Ley o pueden ser denunciados y juzgados por el Pueblo soberano a traves de la Institucion del Jurado Popular. Es por tanto el unico pais del mundo donde sus ciudadanos participan activamente en la correcta Administracion de Justicia.
En cuanto al entorno Latino, ni Italia, ni Francia, ni España, ni ningun pais Latino Americano cuenta con estos sistemas de control y savaguardia de la Justicia.
La Justicia por tanto tiene que velar por que se cumplan la Leyes y todos los inmigrantes a USA tienen que estar legalmente documentados y cumplir las Leyes como cualquier otro ciudadano. En caso contrario existiria una discriminacion y esto seria no solo inconstitucional, sino Injusto.
El Dr. Ron Paul pide que en este Estado de Derecho se cumplan las Leyes y que sean agiles para documentar aquellas personas que no esten documentadas. Ese es el fondo de su mensaje en cuanto a los inmigrantes. Y eso precisamente nos conviene a todos.
Rogamos que a continuacion presenten sus opiniones y preguntas al respecto, que con mucho gusto los afilidaos a AXJ y Latinos que apoyan al Dr. Ron Paul les conestaran.
Bienvenidos al Blog de AXJ - Latinos que apoyan al Dr. Ron Paul para la Presidencia de USA.
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