COPPERCARDS ANNOUNCES THE BANK FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
Posted July 5th, 2008 by wninja
SILICON VALLEY, California, U.S.A. Friday, June 13, 2008 – “Banks charging interest on money is over. A new day has dawned for commerce in America and around the world," said Clive Boustred, one of the foremost strategists and architects for banking technologies world-wide at a press conference today.
The event signaled the announcement of CopperCards Bank, a free-market-valued, asset-backed trading and banking system that is a viable replacement for today's money. CopperCards Bank Asset Exchange has, according to Boustred and others in the industry, significant advantages over current banking systems and money as we know it. They went on to explain that almost anything can be registered, appraised and turned into 'Coppers' the bank's trading currency. Second, every Copper issued is backed by real verified assets valued at real-time market value. Third, there are no interest charges or transaction fees to use the CopperCards Bank.
Users of CopperCards Bank and Asset Exchange will be able to turn assets into a means to buy the things that they need to run businesses or feed their families. The users’ don¹t have to go through the steps imposed upon them by the current banking system. Money, as we know it today, is eliminated. In no case will those using the system have to use the U. S. dollar or any other existing currency, although they can if they want to. Not having to convert to money offers tremendous advantages to all participants, according to Boustred.
Today's money is made out of noting and backed by noting, or otherwise known as "fiat" money. As most financial specialist already realize, the US dollar does not represent an ounce of gold, a piece of real estate or anything that could be appraised for a market price. Instead, its value hinges on imaginary and dangerous perception. If people loose faith in the U.S. the dollar plummets in value. If the Fed makes too much money, then demand reduces and the value of the money drops. The Fed has been printing so much money that in 2006 they stopped publishing the M3 money production report.
Almost all the world's banking is now based on imaginary value or fiat money.
If the United States corporate government collapsed, the money that they gave the Fed bank owners the exclusive franchise to make, would no longer be accepted to purchase anything, and it would assume the same value as Iraqi dinars. In the CopperCards Bank system, currency with value, such as gold coins, would be accepted as payment for anything even after any government no loner exists. Most major currencies in the world are fiat currencies due to flaws in the global banking scheme of central or reserve banks.
The global banking scheme was originated by a number of privately-owned banks who appear to be, but are not government agencies. They are mostly owned by the Rothschild’s family. Until recently, most Americans were unaware that the Federal Reserve Bank is in fact, private. This insight has sent tremors throughout markets and into the mainstream.
Most of these banks are owned by a small number of individuals who therefore control the overwhelming majority of the world's wealth. This includes the United States Federal Reserve Bank, which makes the money out of nothing then sells their money and charges interest on top of that to the United States government, other governments’ and the public. It is this fiat money made out of nothing and backed by nothing that in effect, eats the labor and lives of Americans.
Through the Federal Reserve, that same small group controls the flow of this fiat currency, charge interest and fees for the use of their money. They have made a fortune doing so. For example, when a buyer purchases a billion dollars of oil from Iraq, the buyer first has to purchase a billion dollars of US currency from the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. The buyer has to give gold, oil or something of value in order to purchase the billion US dollars. This means that the FED owners receive real assets for money they made out of nothing.
The CopperCards Bank eliminates fiat money or the ability of the bank to make money out of nothing. The CopperCards Banking system and the Asset Exchange ensure that the Coppers currency represent actual value. A house, a piece of land, precious metals, gems, minerals, inventories of manufactured goods, raw materials, services , Dollars or Euros etc. can all be represented in Coppers. Coppers represent real value just as gold coins once did. However, Coppers have an important distinction, their value will not diminish unexpectedly because the Coppers currency trading exchange is designed so that it cannot fail. Accounts in the CopperCards Bank are insured to an unlimited value.
Clive Boustred, founder and architect of CopperCards and InfoTelesys, who provided the systems architecture to some of the world's largest and most successful banking systems, said, “The gold standard is based on the construct that anyone who can find shiny stuff is king, but at least the gold itself is worth something. The Federal Reserve Bank astonishingly literally makes money out of nothing and backs it with nothing and charges interest on top of that!” Clive went on to add “Whether money is printed on paper, metal or cotton, is not the issue, the issue is interest and asset backed currency. CopperCards Bank provides a true asset-backed interest-free currency that eliminates bankers, governments, or corporations' ability to manipulate markets, economies and money supply for their own interest.”
By utilizing innovation in the technological and communications fields, the CopperCards Bank is able to introduce a truly revolutionary banking architecture that eliminates what has been the root cause of a great deal of corruption, many if not most depressions and most major wars. What could be described as an integrated Stock Exchange, E-Bay, Craig’s List and Advanced next-generation Communications system, this CopperCards trading banking infrastructure can provide significant relief to troubled economies.
sábado, 5 de julio de 2008
domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008
Ron Paul, Still a Candidate, Heads to GOP Convention Showdown - America’s Election HQ
Ron Paul, Still a Candidate, Heads to GOP Convention Showdown - America’s Election HQ
Ron Paul has no chance of winning the Republican presidential nomination this year, but he continues to head toward the party’s National Convention with an ardent group of supporters and a second-phase strategy aimed at raising the profile of his libertarian-leaning issues.
John McCain locked down the delegates he needs to win the nomination two months ago, but Paul continues to be a draw on primary ballots. Just last week in North Carolina, Paul took 7 percent of the vote along with five convention delegates. He similarly won 8 percent of the votes in Indiana, although he didn’t pick up any delegates there.
Paul is nowhere close to McCain in the overall delegate count. According to The Associated Press tally of delegates, the Texas congressman has gathered 19 delegates so far. McCain has 1,413, Mike Huckabee has 286 and Mitt Romney has 260. But unlike Huckabee and Romney, Paul has not withdrawn from the race.
“He remains a candidate,” Paul spokesman Jesse Benton told on Monday. That means Paul is planning on having as big a delegation as possible at the convention, and he continues to seek a speaking opportunity there, something the party has not offered to him yet.
Benton said a report on the Los Angeles Times’ Web site Monday that Paul planned “to stage an embarrassing public revolt” against McCain was “speculation.”
He said the Paul campaign is only seeking a “positive” effort to bring about reform to the Republican Party, including what Paul believes should be more limited government, including no Internal Revenue Service and no Federal Reserve.
But the Paul campaign’s state-by-state plans have caused some headaches among party officials, who chafe — and at the same time scratch their heads in wonder — at his supporters’ tactics.
The Nevada GOP got a taste of Paul’s supporters’ plans on April 26, when some 600 party delegates backing the congressman flooded the state convention, overwhelmed McCain’s supporters — who didn’t expect a fight — changed a rule, and proceeded to start electing a slate of Paul backers to head to Minneapolis-St. Paul in September.
Nevada GOP officials said the unexpected uprising at the usually orderly state convention caused enough confusion that they ran out of time at the convention hall and had to call a recess. The recess will remain in effect until the party can find another convention hall, said Nevada GOP Executive Director Zac Moyle.
Paul supporters cried foul, and for about a week after the blow-up, Moyle said the party headquarters received several threats — including death threats — from people clearly opposed to McCain. Though the threats were apparently, if not explicitly, from Paul supporters, Moyle said he does not believe the threats were sanctioned by the Paul campaign.
The threats included, “‘You’re gonna die,’ and, ‘You’ll pay,’ and things of that nature. … ‘You guys are gonna rot in hell. … All your typical bargain-bin variety of insults,” Moyle said.
“We did receive a ton of threats. … They’ve subsided now,” Moyle said.
Benton said Republicans should be proud of the interest that was tapped into Nevada. “Those were Nevada state GOP activists that were attending their convention. The Paul campaign has been very encouraging of our supporters, … ” Benton said. “This should be viewed I think very positively by Republicans. … This is about being positive. This is about making our party stronger and holding our party to principles that it has stood for so long.”
Dismissing the idea the Paul campaign was trying to embarrass McCain or run a revolt at the convention, Benton said, “This isn’t about any beef with Senator McCain. There’s respect there.”
Paul’s supporters are continuing to organize for upcoming contests, including in Georgia, Washington state and Minnesota, where Paul will be trying to cobble together as much support as he can. The Nevada strategy might not work, however, if McCain’s supporters show up in full strength.
“We are encouraging all elected delegates to attend the convention in Spokane. The will of the majority will prevail,” Washington state GOP spokesman Patrick Bell said in an e-mailed response to a question about the Paul strategy.
Benton said it’s unlikely Paul will support McCain, pointing primarily to their wide differences over the Iraq war. Paul believes the United States should pull out immediately; McCain says a precipitous troop withdrawal would be defeatist.
But “just because there’s no endorsement doesn’t mean that there is any animosity,” Benton noted.
Benton said Paul will use whatever support he can garner at the National Convention to push for adoption of his monetary policy goal to reintroduce gold and silver as an alternative to the dollar. Benton said Paul believes it would stabilize the country’s monetary unit, which has been in a steady decline against the euro. Benton said Paul has no plans to oppose any of McCain’s platform positions.
Addressing another development — former Georgia Sen. Bob Barr’s announcement Monday that he will run for president as a Libertarian Party candidate — Benton said, “That doesn’t factor into our plans in any way.”
Ron Paul has no chance of winning the Republican presidential nomination this year, but he continues to head toward the party’s National Convention with an ardent group of supporters and a second-phase strategy aimed at raising the profile of his libertarian-leaning issues.
John McCain locked down the delegates he needs to win the nomination two months ago, but Paul continues to be a draw on primary ballots. Just last week in North Carolina, Paul took 7 percent of the vote along with five convention delegates. He similarly won 8 percent of the votes in Indiana, although he didn’t pick up any delegates there.
Paul is nowhere close to McCain in the overall delegate count. According to The Associated Press tally of delegates, the Texas congressman has gathered 19 delegates so far. McCain has 1,413, Mike Huckabee has 286 and Mitt Romney has 260. But unlike Huckabee and Romney, Paul has not withdrawn from the race.
“He remains a candidate,” Paul spokesman Jesse Benton told on Monday. That means Paul is planning on having as big a delegation as possible at the convention, and he continues to seek a speaking opportunity there, something the party has not offered to him yet.
Benton said a report on the Los Angeles Times’ Web site Monday that Paul planned “to stage an embarrassing public revolt” against McCain was “speculation.”
He said the Paul campaign is only seeking a “positive” effort to bring about reform to the Republican Party, including what Paul believes should be more limited government, including no Internal Revenue Service and no Federal Reserve.
But the Paul campaign’s state-by-state plans have caused some headaches among party officials, who chafe — and at the same time scratch their heads in wonder — at his supporters’ tactics.
The Nevada GOP got a taste of Paul’s supporters’ plans on April 26, when some 600 party delegates backing the congressman flooded the state convention, overwhelmed McCain’s supporters — who didn’t expect a fight — changed a rule, and proceeded to start electing a slate of Paul backers to head to Minneapolis-St. Paul in September.
Nevada GOP officials said the unexpected uprising at the usually orderly state convention caused enough confusion that they ran out of time at the convention hall and had to call a recess. The recess will remain in effect until the party can find another convention hall, said Nevada GOP Executive Director Zac Moyle.
Paul supporters cried foul, and for about a week after the blow-up, Moyle said the party headquarters received several threats — including death threats — from people clearly opposed to McCain. Though the threats were apparently, if not explicitly, from Paul supporters, Moyle said he does not believe the threats were sanctioned by the Paul campaign.
The threats included, “‘You’re gonna die,’ and, ‘You’ll pay,’ and things of that nature. … ‘You guys are gonna rot in hell. … All your typical bargain-bin variety of insults,” Moyle said.
“We did receive a ton of threats. … They’ve subsided now,” Moyle said.
Benton said Republicans should be proud of the interest that was tapped into Nevada. “Those were Nevada state GOP activists that were attending their convention. The Paul campaign has been very encouraging of our supporters, … ” Benton said. “This should be viewed I think very positively by Republicans. … This is about being positive. This is about making our party stronger and holding our party to principles that it has stood for so long.”
Dismissing the idea the Paul campaign was trying to embarrass McCain or run a revolt at the convention, Benton said, “This isn’t about any beef with Senator McCain. There’s respect there.”
Paul’s supporters are continuing to organize for upcoming contests, including in Georgia, Washington state and Minnesota, where Paul will be trying to cobble together as much support as he can. The Nevada strategy might not work, however, if McCain’s supporters show up in full strength.
“We are encouraging all elected delegates to attend the convention in Spokane. The will of the majority will prevail,” Washington state GOP spokesman Patrick Bell said in an e-mailed response to a question about the Paul strategy.
Benton said it’s unlikely Paul will support McCain, pointing primarily to their wide differences over the Iraq war. Paul believes the United States should pull out immediately; McCain says a precipitous troop withdrawal would be defeatist.
But “just because there’s no endorsement doesn’t mean that there is any animosity,” Benton noted.
Benton said Paul will use whatever support he can garner at the National Convention to push for adoption of his monetary policy goal to reintroduce gold and silver as an alternative to the dollar. Benton said Paul believes it would stabilize the country’s monetary unit, which has been in a steady decline against the euro. Benton said Paul has no plans to oppose any of McCain’s platform positions.
Addressing another development — former Georgia Sen. Bob Barr’s announcement Monday that he will run for president as a Libertarian Party candidate — Benton said, “That doesn’t factor into our plans in any way.”
martes, 1 de enero de 2008
Bienvenidos al Dr. Ron Paul! Llame ahora al: 1 (818) 846-1777
Libertarian dijo...
Me encanta el nuevo video, pero lo de 'naciones terroristas' q aparece en el de inmigracion a muchos seguidores no les gusta nada, no hay mas q ver los comentarios en youtube. Eso me preocupa... y no se supone que hoy había un money bomb? pq no aparece en la web q recaude nada de nada en especial :S
1 de enero de 2008 21:16
Juan dijo...
Hoy? No creo. Más bien ayer, para terminar el año en condiciones. Creo que se recaudó más de medio millón en un día, dejándolo cerca de los 20 millones. Sumando algunas donaciones offline que no se habrán añadido habrá llegado a los 20.De todas formas no creo que se hagan más donacionies masivas fuertes por ahora. Están más centrados en salir a la calle a dar el coñazo de puerta en puerta, dinero ya hay de sobra por el momento.
1 de enero de 2008 21:39
Libertarian dijo...
Me encanta el nuevo video, pero lo de 'naciones terroristas' q aparece en el de inmigracion a muchos seguidores no les gusta nada, no hay mas q ver los comentarios en youtube. Eso me preocupa... y no se supone que hoy había un money bomb? pq no aparece en la web q recaude nada de nada en especial :S
1 de enero de 2008 21:16
Juan dijo...
Hoy? No creo. Más bien ayer, para terminar el año en condiciones. Creo que se recaudó más de medio millón en un día, dejándolo cerca de los 20 millones. Sumando algunas donaciones offline que no se habrán añadido habrá llegado a los 20.De todas formas no creo que se hagan más donacionies masivas fuertes por ahora. Están más centrados en salir a la calle a dar el coñazo de puerta en puerta, dinero ya hay de sobra por el momento.
1 de enero de 2008 21:39
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